1854-C $2.50 PCGS EF40 CAC

Attractive deep orange-gold color is contrasted by russet highlights on the portrait. This coin has the body of an EF45 to AU50 but it has been conservatively graded by PCGS on account of a weak strike on the reverse; curiously, the obverse is better detailed than usual for the date. The 1854-C is scarce in all grades with a mintage of just 7,295. I think this coin is an amazing value as a comparable 1847-C or 1858-C (dates that are three times more available in all grades) would sell for just a few hundred dollars less.

This is the only example of this date approved by CAC in this grade; six finer have been approved as well.

1854-C $2.50 NGC AU55 CAC

The 1854-C is the first of three very difficult mid-1850's quarter eagles from this mint. Only 7,295 were struck and most of the 100-125 surviving examples are well-worn and lacking in eye appeal due to extensive abrasions and poor quality of strike. This is one of the nicer circulated 1854-C quarter eagles that I have seen in some time as it shows a good overall quality of strike, a majority of its natural frosty mint luster and very attractive fiery reddish-gold toning about much of the obverse and reverse periphery. This date is rare and quite expensive in Uncirculated, so for most collectors a Choice AU such as this is a smart choice for their Charlotte quarter eagle set. Very few AU55's have sold at auction in the last five years. The only two records, both for PCGS coins, were $6,613 in February 2012 (Goldberg) and $6,325 in January 2008 (Heritage).

CAC has approved two 1854-C quarter eagles in AU55 with one finer. A total of six in all grades have been approved.

1854-C $5.00 PCGS AU50 CAC

Strong mintmark variety. The 1854-C is often seen with a weak or virtually invisible mintmark and examples with sharp mintmarks are very scarce. This issue is downright rare in AU50 and better with original surfaces and color and this coin is one of the few I have seen as such in many years. With the exception of star two on the obverse, the strike is far above average for the date and the surfaces are choice with a good deal of luster seen below a rich overtone of green-gold and amber. Some dirt is visible within the lettering on the reverse which is indicative of this piece's originality. I sold this coin to the former owner in an NGC AU53 holder and he downgraded it to AU50 when he sent it to PCGS for a crossover. I still think the coin is a solid AU53 and it wouldn't even look out of place in a 55 holder. A rare opportunity for the Charlotte half eagle collector to acquire a choice example of this scarce, undervalued issue.

Ex RYK "Dirty Gold" collection.