The Admiral's Dozen: 12 of my Favorite Coins in the Heritage 2/18 Long Beach Sale

The Admiral's Dozen: 12 of my Favorite Coins in the Heritage 2/18 Long Beach Sale

I first found out about the offering of a complete set of Liberty Head eagles from an observant client who emailed me a link in early January. He’s a succinct guy and his subject line said it all: “Epic collection of Eagles to be offered.”

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So...You've Decided to Collect New Orleans Gold Coins...

So...You've Decided to Collect New Orleans Gold Coins...

There are a number of ways to collect the gold coins from New Orleans. Given the prohibitive cost of assembling an 88 coin set, most collectors either assemble a type set or they focus on a specific denomination and work to finish the date run...

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So...You've Decided to Collect Gold Dollars...

So...You've Decided to Collect Gold Dollars...

The gold dollar was made from 1849 through 1889 in three distinct types and was struck at five different mints. This denomination has been popular with many generations of collectors and it lends itself to a host of different collecting methodologies...

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The 36 Major Gold Types: A Collectors Guide

The 36 Major Gold Types: A Collectors Guide

Between 1795 and 1933 a total of 36 major gold types were issued for circulation. I’m going to discuss each type in more detail with suggestions on how and what to buy and some “alternative” dates to spice-up a type set.

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So...You've Decided to Collect Charlotte Gold Coinage...

So...You've Decided to Collect Charlotte Gold Coinage...

This feels like a great point in time to specialize in Charlotte gold. There is not as much competition at the very top end of the market as there is for Dahlonega and New Orleans gold. This means that a collector wishing to focus on finest known or Condition Census issues is not necessarily biting off more than he can chew.

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